Is your child still wetting the bed and you’re looking for a bedwetting treatment? It’s very common, and millions of kids struggle with bedwetting beyond the “normal” age. As a parent, you’ve likely tried everything—limited drinks before bed, nighttime wake-ups, and rewards for dry nights. Yet, you’re still dealing with soiled sheets and PJs each morning.
This guide will cover everything you need to know about ending bedwetting for your Honolulu child, including:
- Common causes of bedwetting
- Effective treatment options
- Lifestyle changes and coping tips
- How to support your child through the process
Let’s help your whole family get better rest!
What Causes Bedwetting in Children?
Bedwetting, or nocturnal enuresis, involves accidental urination during sleep past age 5-7. It’s more common than you may think. About 5-10% of 7-year-olds wet the bed regularly. Rates are lower for older kids, but it remains an issue for some into adolescence. Bedwetting tends to run in families. It’s more common in boys and kids with developmental disorders. Most outgrow it naturally as their bodies mature.
So, what’s behind nighttime “accidents”? A few contributing factors include:
- Overactive bladder – The bladder might contract and signal a need to pee before it’s very full. Then even a small amount of urine can trigger bedwetting.
- Low nighttime bladder capacity – The bladder can’t hold much urine overnight compared to daytime capacity. Even normal amounts produce leakage.
- Deep sleeping – Some children sleep so soundly they don’t rouse to signals from a full bladder.
- Hormone issues – Problems with anti-diuretic hormone can make it harder to concentrate urine or control nighttime urges.
- Possible Airway Problem – Restricted airway during sleep may prevent children from waking up to urinate, contributing to bedwetting.
Most kids aren’t wetting the bed on purpose or due to medical issues. Their bodies just haven’t aligned nighttime bladder function with sleep signals yet. Be patient and understanding as we look for solutions together.
The Lesser-Known Cause of Bedwetting: Underdeveloped Jaws and Sleep Disorders
Bedwetting, medically termed nocturnal enuresis, is often linked to various physiological factors, but one lesser-known cause is an underdeveloped jaw. This condition can narrow the airway, leading to sleep-disordered breathing, which contributes to bedwetting. According to the National Institute of Health, children with restricted airways may not wake up easily due to decreased oxygen levels, even when their bladder is full. This inability to wake can result in bedwetting. Effectively addressing jaw development could not only reduce incidents of bedwetting but also enhance overall sleep quality and respiratory health in children.
Bedwetting Treatment Options
If bedwetting becomes concerning around age 7, it’s reasonable to consult your pediatrician. They can check for underlying problems like diabetes, constipation, kidney issues, or sleep disorders. For typical bedwetting, the first line of defense is usually behavior modifications and lifestyle changes:
- Limiting fluid intake in the hours before bed
- Avoiding caffeine and acidic drinks like juice in the evening
- Urinating right before bed and when waking at night
- Waking your child to use the bathroom during the night
- Positive reinforcement with rewards or privileges for dry nights
- Using nightlights and loud alarm clocks to minimize deep sleep disruptions
Alternative Treatments
If these don’t resolve the issue within a few months, medication may be recommended. Possible options include:
- Desmopressin (DDAVP) – Manages bedwetting by reducing urine production overnight. Available as oral tablets or nasal spray.
- Anticholinergics – Help relax bladder muscles to allow fuller filling overnight. Examples are Oxybutynin and Tolterodine.
- Tricyclic antidepressants – Work on the brain’s sleep and wake cycle. Often used off-label for bedwetting.
- Hormone therapy – May be used to treat hormonal causes in some cases.
Medications must be prescribed and monitored by a medical doctor. Effects and side effects vary individually. Several months of use may be needed to retrain a child’s bladder control.
Alarm devices are another medication-free treatment option. Your child wears a moisture sensor in their underwear connected to an alarm. It sounds when it detects wetness, waking your child to finish urinating in the toilet. Over time, this reconditions the brain to rouse and signal bladder fullness. Alarms have the highest long-term bedwetting success rate but require motivation.
Exploring The Vivos Treatment for Bedwetting
Discover the unique Vivos treatment, offering a non-medical approach to enhancing sleep-related breathing and addressing bedwetting. Here’s a closer look at its key components:
- Fitted Oral Appliance Therapy: Tailored oral appliances designed to fit each individual’s dental structure.
- Arch Expansion: Focused on widening dental arches to create more space in the mouth and airway.
- Non-Invasive Option: A comfortable, user-friendly alternative to surgical interventions, aligning naturally with the body’s structures.
This innovative method not only targets underlying breathing and sleep issues but also provides an effective alternative for treating bedwetting. Schedule an exam at Azuma Dental by calling (808) 528-2221 or requesting an appointment online.

Lifestyle Tips to Support Your Child’s Bedwetting
Bedwetting Treatment Honolulu HI works best when supported with positive lifestyle adjustments at home. Here are some great tips:
- Maintain a consistent evening routine. Have set times for dinner, bathing, brushing teeth, and reading before bed every night. Consistency sets the body up for nighttime bladder control.
- Make sure kids go potty right before bed. This empties the bladder and can prevent accidents. Avoid scolding for middle-of-the-night accidents. Calmly change wet pajamas and linens so everyone can go back to sleep.
- Limit or eliminate evening caffeine. Caffeine is a bladder irritant and can increase nighttime accidents. Make sure kids aren’t consuming soda, chocolate, or caffeinated teas after dinner.
- Increase daytime toilet reminders. Have kids take regular bathroom breaks to exercise bladder control muscles and build capacity. Make sure they empty their bladder completely when using the restroom.
- Encourage bowel regularity. Constipation can put added pressure on the bladder, increasing accidents. Make sure kids eat plenty of fiber and stay hydrated during the day.
- Consider using a bedwetting alarm. These can be very effective at nighttime bladder retraining over time. Reward your child for progress until they can sleep through without wetting.
- Emphasize progress over perfection. Accidents may still happen during treatment. Reinforce small wins like drier nights. Don’t shame or punish wet nights. Progress takes time, but your child will get there!
With encouragement and consistency, these positive habits will help end bedwetting for good. The whole family will rest easier!
Act Now!
Imagine the confidence your child will feel waking up dry, cozy, and refreshed each morning. No more soggy sheets or PJs! Just peaceful, restful nights ahead for your whole family. If bedwetting is disrupting your home’s sleep, take action. Contact Dr. Eugene Azuma today to schedule a consult. He will partner with you to help your child gain nighttime dryness for good.
Here’s how Dr. Eugene Azuma at Azuma Dental can help improve your child’s airway & sleep:
- Initial Exam: We conduct a comprehensive screening to detect any sleep disorders.
- Overnight Sleep Study: If required, we perform an overnight take-home sleep study to gather detailed data on sleep disturbances.
- Results Analysis: A sleep specialist will analyze your child’s test results and give you a diagnosis.
- Personalized Treatment Plan: Dr. Azuma crafts a tailored treatment plan to specifically address your child’s airway issues, aiming for dry nights.
Does your child need thoughtful bedwetting support? Contact Azuma Dental to schedule a free comprehensive exam with Dr. Azuma. He will listen deeply and develop a tailored treatment plan to help your child thrive. The end of bedwetting frustrations is near!
Schedule your free consultation today!

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808-528-1116 (fax)
1060 Young St. Suite 220
Honolulu, HI. 96814